"Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love."-Nelson Rockefeller

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Post Four- Tuesday, June 21

Hey everyone!

So, I have some great news. I won the first pageant of the season, Miss Leeds Area Outstanding Teen! In my interview I recieved a great opportunity to talk about my experiences so far with my Nana. I've realized that the more you talk about it, the easier it gets.
I don't think I've fully accepted that my Nana will never be the same yet. It still almost feels like I'm stuck in a dream.. Does anyone else feel that way? I read a book last year that really made me think about my Nana. It's called Still Alice by Lisa Genova. For a great summary, I would suggest taking a quick peek at this link, http://lisamm.wordpress.com/2009/06/27/review-still-alice-by-lisa-genova/
I would also reallly suggest buying the book. The author is a Neuroscientist. She really makes you think, and feel, what the main character is feeling. I cried. A lot. It's scary to think that one day I might experience the same thing my Nana is right now.. Once again, its the 6th leading cause of death and the only one in the top ten that cannot be prevented, slowed, or cured. Thats past scary.

Just some stuff to think about, I would love to hear some comments/feedback!

Makenzie :)