"Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love."-Nelson Rockefeller

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Post Three-April 6

Hey everyone!

Okay guys. Once again. Im terribly sorry for the length of time between posts!

Well anyways,

Today I received the the opportunity to attend a workshop on Alzheimer's in my community. Let me tell you, It was AMAZING. I learned so much.. so let me tell you a little about it.

First we got there at 8:30 for registration and we were served a delicious continental breakfast. YUM!  haha. Then we got settled and recieved a HUGE packet of information. When I say HUGE I mean HUGE!  We then got started. They introduced me! It was great! haha. :) 

Since there was sooo much information to be shared, I figured I needed to share it to y'all too.
So, Here's what im planning on doing
I plan to at least post once a week and share some different information with you everytime. :) (that way i won't run out of things to post so quickly like i had been doing!!)

Ok. So first we talked about the title of the workshop. It was called "Alzheimer's:  The Long Goodbye."
It is a long goodbye, isn't it? Just think about it.. Alzheimer's is a progressive disease. Once you're on that down hill slope,  you will keep going down, and down, and down, and down...

Alzheimer's was first discovered in 1906 by Alois Alzheimer. He worked at an Insane Assylum in Frankfurt, Germany. His first patient was Auguste Deter. He documented her progression starting at her age of arrival, 51, to her death at 55. Fun Fast Fact! Did you know that those documents were lost until just recently? Wow. and here's another, In the 4 years he documented her, there was only 32 pages??

Well, That's all that I'll give you today!

Oh! one more thing,
They also had some "brain teasers" that we did today to activate our minds!
Here's one,

Your a farmer. You just got robbed by a group of bandits. They take everything they can carry and leave what they couldnt. They left three items: a goat, a crate of cabbages, and your wolf.  You have to carry all three across your river in your backyard so they won't steal them when they come back. You can only carry one at a time across the river. How do you carry all three across?

Comment the answer below! I'll post the correct answer next week, or whenever my next post is.

I would like to say a special thank you to the ladies who put on today's seminar on Alzheimer's!
So Thank you to:

Suzanne Franka, RN, MSN, CNS, CHPN
Dana Taunton
Angelia Windsor
Misty Bailey
(all through Southern Hospice)
(im sorry if i missed anyone!)

I learned so much and thank you all for your encouragement!


Makenzie :)

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